Page 24 - PYTHON-12
P. 24

(II)  To display DONATIONS table sorted by Date of Donation in descending order.

                        (III)  To display the distinct name of the donor from DONATIONS table.
                        (IV)  To display the sum of Amount of all donations where Date of Donation is NULL.
                   (B)  Write the output of the following.

                        (I)  SELECT Organization, SUM(Amount) AS Total_Donations FROM DONATIONS
                           GROUP BY Organization;
                        (II)  SELECT * FROM DONATIONS WHERE Organization LIKE '%m%';
                        (III)  SELECT  Donor_ID,  Donor_Name,  Organization,  Amount  FROM  DONATIONS
                           WHERE Amount BETWEEN 25000 AND 55000;
                        (IV)  SELECT MAX(Amount) FROM DONATIONS;
              Ans.  (A)  (I)  Select Organization, sum(Amount) from donations group by
                           organization having sum(Amount)< 40000;
                        (II)  Select * from donations order by Date_Of_Donation desc;
                        (III)  Select distinct Donor_Name from donations;

                        (IV)  Select sum(Amount) from donations where Date_Of_Donation IS NULL;

                   (B)   (I)    Organization            Total_Donations

                            Bless Orphanage          80000
                            Blinds' Society          65000
                            Mid-Day Meal Society 80000

                        (II) Donor_ID   Donor_Name        Organization        Amount    Date_of_Donation
                            D1123       Shreya         Mid-Day Meal           80000    2024-02-10
                                        Sharma         Society

                       (III)     Donor_ID           Donor_Name          Organization             Amount

                            D1121                Sandeep Bansal       Bless Orphanage 35000
                            D1124                Rahul Malhotra       Bless Orphanage 45000

                       (IV)     Max (Amount)

                33.   A CSV file, ‘StudentGrades.csv’, contains the data of a survey. Each record of the file contains the following
                   data:                                                                                    (4)
                    •  Student Name                             •  Subject
                    •  Grade (A, B, C…)                         •  Percentage Score

                    For example, a sample record of the file may be:
                    [‘Manisha’, ‘Mathematics’, ‘A’, 92]
                    Write the following Python functions to perform the specified operations on this file:
                    (I)  Read all the data from the file in the form of a list and display the records of students who scored more
                       than 85%.
                   (II)  Count the number of records in the file.

              A.10   Computer Science–XII
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