Page 90 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 90

Retirement of a Partner                                                        4.17
                     Dr.                          PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                          Cr.
                     Particulars          D       R       L     Particulars          D       R      L
                                          `       `       `                          `       `      `
                     To  D’s Loan A/c   24,000    ...      ...   By  Balance b/d   24,000  12,000   6,000
                     To  Balance c/d      ...   12,000   6,000
                                        24,000  12,000   6,000                     24,000  12,000   6,000
                                                                By  Balance b/d      ...   12,000   6,000

                     Dr.                          PARTNERS’ CURRENT ACCOUNTS                          Cr.
                     Particulars         D        R       L     Particulars          D       R      L
                                          `       `       `                          `       `      `
                     To  D’s Current A/c   ...   4,800   2,400   By  Balance b/d    1,920   1,680   1,120
                        (Goodwill: WN 1 & 2)                    By  Revaluation A/c   1,830   1,220   610
                     To  Bank A/c       10,950    ...     ...   By  R’s Current A/c   4,800   ...    ...
                                                                By  L’s Current A/c   2,400   ...    ...
                                                                By  Balance c/d       ...   1,900    670
                                        10,950   4,800   2,400                     10,950   4,800   2,400

                                            BALANCE SHEET OF R AND L as at 1st April, 2018
                     Liabilities                          `     Assets                              `
                     Capital A/cs:                              Building                           24,000
                     R                           12,000         Plant and Equipment                15,800
                     L                            6,000   18,000   Stock                            8,000
                     D’s Loan                           24,000   Debtors                    12,400
                     Creditors                          15,100  Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts   1,600   10,800
                     Outstanding Legal Charges           4,240   Balance at Bank (WN 3)              170
                                                                Current A/cs:
                                                                R                            1,900
                                                                L                             670   2,570
                                                        61,340                                     61,340
                     Working Notes:
                      1.  Adjustment of Goodwill:
                        D’s Share of Goodwill = ` 14,400 × 3/6 = ` 7,200.
                        D’s Share of Goodwill is to be adjusted against the Current Accounts of R and L in their Gaining Ratio of 2 : 1.
                        R = ` 7,200 × 2/3 = ` 4,800; L = ` 7,200 × 1/3 = ` 2,400.
                      2.  Computation of Gaining Ratio:
                         Gain = New Share – Old Share
                           2  2  42-  2          1  1  21−  1                   2 1
                        R =   -  =   =   (Gain); L =   −  =  =   (Gain); Gaining Ratio =   :   or 2 : 1.
                           3  6   6   6          3  6   6   6                   6 6
                     3.  Dr.                            BANK ACCOUNT                                  Cr.
                     Particulars                          `     Particulars                         `
                     To  Balance b/d                    16,120  By  D’s Loan A/c                    5,000
                                                                By  D’s Current A/c                10,950
                                                                By  Balance c/d                      170
                                                        16,120                                     16,120
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95