Page 109 - MA12
P. 109

Model Test Papers                                                             M.15

                     Dr.                                 BANK ACCOUNT                                 Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                         `
                     To  Balance b/d                   2,00,000   By  Bank Overdraft               60,000
                     To  Realisation A/c (Assets Realised)      7,20,000   By  Realisation A/c (Creditors)      60,000
                                                                By  Realisation A/c (Expenses)      20,000
                                                                By  Rahim’s Loan A/c               30,000
                                                                By  Ram’s Capital A/c (Final Payment)      4,28,000
                                                                By  Rahim’s Capital A/c (Final Payment)      3,22,000
                                                        9,20,000                                    9,20,000

                       Working Notes:
                      1.  Calculation of book value of stock taken by Rahim:
                        Let book value of stock taken over by Rahim = ` 100; Rahim takes it at 20% less than the book value, i.e., ` 100 – ` 20 = ` 80
                         Book Value of Stock taken by Rahim = ` 40,000 × ` 100/` 80 = `  50,000.
                      2.  Out of Total Stock of ` 1,50,000; Stock of ` 50,000 is taken by Rahim. Firm sold the remaining stock of ` 1,00,000 at 50%
                       of its book value, i.e., at ` 50,000.
                       7.  (a)                        JOURNAL OF MOON LTD.
                     Date     Particulars                                          L.F.   Dr. (`)   Cr. (`)
                     Mar.  31  Surplus, i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss A/c   ...Dr.      2,50,000
                                To  Debentures Redemption Reserve A/c                             2,50,000
                             (Being the profit transferred to DRR equivalent to 25%
                              of the value of Debentures outstanding)
                     April   1  Debentures Redemption Investment A/c         ...Dr.      1,50,000
                                To  Bank A/c                                                      1,50,000
                             (Being the amount invested in specified securities equal to 15% of the
                             amount of redeemable debentures)
                     Sept.  30  Bank A/c                                     ...Dr.      1,56,000
                                To  Debentures Redemption Investment A/c                          1,50,000
                                To  Interest Earned A/c                                             6,000
                             (Being the debentures redemption investment realised and interest received)

                     Oct.   1  9% Debentures A/c                             ...Dr.      10,00,000
                                To  Debentureholders’ A/c                                        10,00,000
                             (Being the amount due on redemption)

                             Debentureholders’ A/c                           ...Dr.      10,00,000
                                To  Bank A/c                                                     10,00,000
                             (Being payment made to debentureholders)
                             Debentures Redemption Reserve A/c               ...Dr.      2,50,000
                                To  General Reserve A/c                                           2,50,000
                             (Being the amount in DRR A/c transferred to General Reserve)
                     Note:  As per Section 71(4) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 18(7)(b) of the Companies (Share Capital
                           and  Debentures) Rules,  2014, an  amount at least equal to 25% of  the Nominal  Value of Debentures
                           Outstanding is credited to Debentures Redemption Reserve Account and as per Rule 18(7)(c) of the
                           Companies (Share Capital and Debentures), Rules, 2014 investment is made in specified securities of an
                           amount equal to at least 15% of the nominal value of debentures to be redeemed.
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