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Model Test Papers                                                             M.17

                         (b)                               Sonam Ltd.
                                                  BALANCE SHEET as at 31st March, 2020           (` in ”000)
                     Particulars                                                      Note No.    `
                       I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                        1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                          (a)  Share Capital                                                         780
                          (b)  Reserves and Surplus                                                  200
                       2.  Share Application Money Pending Allotment                                  20
                       3.  Non-Current Liabilities
                          (a)  Long-term Borrowings                                                  600
                          (b)  Long-term Provisions                                                  200
                       4.  Current Liabilities
                          (a)  Short-term Borrowings                                                 180
                          (b)  Trade Payables                                                         40
                          (c)  Other Current Liabilities                                 1            20
                        Total                                                                       2,040
                      II.  ASSETS
                        1.  Non-Current Assets
                          (a)  Fixed Assets:
                              Tangible                                                              1,200
                          (b)  Non-current Investments                                               400
                        2.  Current Assets
                          (a)  Current Investments                                                   100
                          (b)  Inventories                                                            40
                          (c)  Trade Receivables                                                     160
                          (d)  Cash and Bank Balances                                                120
                          (e)  Other Current Assets                                      2            20
                         Total                                                                      2,040
                     Notes  to Accounts                                                          (` in ”000)
                     Particulars                                                                  `
                      1.  Others Current Liabilities
                         Oustanding Expenses                                                          20
                      2.  Other Current Assets
                         Prepaid Expenses                                                             20

                     Contingent Liabilities: Dividend Proposed for the year 2019–20 is ` 20,000.

                                                         Section B
                       9.  (a)
                         Change                                  Reason
                       (i)  No Change   Both purchases and closing inventory will increase by the same amount. Hence, Cost of Revenue
                                       from Operations will remain unchanged.
                       (ii)  No Change   Revenue from Operations will increase but closing inventory will decrease by the same percentage
                                       (not by same amount). As a result, Cost of Revenue from Operations will increase by the same
                                       percentage as the Revenue from Operations increase.
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