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Computer A Wonder Machine: Textbook for CBSE Class 7(2024 - 25 Examination)

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Computer A Wonder Machine: Textbook for CBSE Class 7(2024 - 25 Examination)

Author:- Seema Chauhan
Board:- All Boards
Class:- 7
Subject:- Computers
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9789390851102
333.00 370.00

Book Detail

This series Computer: A Wonder Machine is based on the objectives of the project CLASS 2000 (Computer Literacy and Schools in Studies) of the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.                                                        The series focuses on                                                                                facilitating understanding of fundamental computer operations and practices.
 strengthening the ability to use IT tools to accomplish learning tasks.
 inculcating the ability to use communication networks.             

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