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T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping (Financial Accounting): Textbook for CBSE Class 11(2024-25Examination)

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T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping (Financial Accounting): Textbook for CBSE Class 11(2024-25Examination)

Author:- CA. (Dr.) G.S. Grewal, T.S. Grewal, H.S. Grewal, R.K. Khosla
Board:- CBSE
Class:- 11
Subject:- Accountancy
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9788119446483
715.50 795.00

Book Detail

Salient Features of the book are:
* GST—principles and concepts—along with its effect on recording of transactions discussed, making
the concept clear and understandable
* Class-tested and well-graded material
* Simple and lucid textual flow
* Necessary content to impart a sound theoretical and conceptual base
* Ample illustrations, diagrams, formats and tables for better understanding of the subject
* Objective Type Questions/Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Short Answer Questions at
chapter-end and also as a Collage towards the end of the book (in QR Code), thus meeting the 2023–24
Syllabus requirements.
* Case-based/Source-based Integrated Questions
* Missing Value Questions
* Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Questions and Very Short Answer Type Questions along with
their answers in each chapter
* Weightage to each topic according to the marks and periods allotted by the CBSE
* Project Work

Pane 2 Content

and so on ...

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