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Computer Science With C++ - A Textbook for CBSE Class XII (Vol. II)

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Computer Science With C++ - A Textbook for CBSE Class XII (Vol. II)

Author:- Preeti Arora, Pinky Gupta
Board:- CBSE
Class:- 12
Subject:- Computer Science
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9788183506007
256.50 285.00

Book Detail

Computer Science with C++ offers students a complete package on the subject.
Presented in two Volumes, the books provide students a strong foundation in the
design, construction and analysis of programs and develop in them problemsolving
skills associated with the study of Programming in C++.
Salient Features
· Each concept explained through a Diagrammatic Representation.
· Fully tested and debugged programs.
· Each program followed by an output window.
· Fully tested projects with screenshots.
· Viva Voce questions with answers.
· Companion CD containing Solved CBSE Sample Paper, 2014 & 2015 Board Papers (as Model
Test Papers), Unsolved Practice Papers, Project Templates and PowerPoint Presentations.

Pane 2 Content

and so on ...

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