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A Tale of Two Bags

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A Tale of Two Bags

Author:- Dilip M. Salwi
Board:- All Boards
Class:- Pre-Primary/Primary
Subject:- Enrichment
Language:- English
ISBN:- 978 81 8350 257 3
36.00 40.00

Book Detail

Tigers and other animals are becoming scarce in the jungles. Forests are being destroyed on a large scale. Indestructible, ecologically unfriendly plastic bags are being used in all walks of life. All in all, mother earth is under attack from all possible directions—her air, water, soil, etc., are being polluted. A hell is being created right on the earth!                                                               The series aims to                                                                                       acquaint children with various aspects of environment degradation.
 inculcate environmental awareness.
 motivate to protect the environment from further degradation.
Salient Features
 Illustrated stories.
 Possible solutions to preserve the environment.
 Acquaints with real efforts being made all over the world to conserve the environment.
  Striking quotations, teasing quizzes and crosswords, and activities such as designing posters.
 Highlights inspirational work of famous environmentalists.

Pane 2 Content

and so on ...

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