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The World Around Me - 8

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The World Around Me - 8

Author:- Rajendra Pal, Madhu Sharma
Board:- All Boards
Class:- 8
Subject:- General Knowledge
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9788119446513
184.50 205.00

Book Detail

This series of eight books has been designed to promote general awareness among children, arouse their curiosity and sharpen their observation and thinking, so that they can engage themselves in a meaningful exploration of the world around them.                                                                           The areas covered include                                                                            Salient features of the history, geography and economy of India,   science and environment, literature, art and culture, and games   and sports.
 Stimulating I.Q. tests include items on series, figures, numerical   ability and reasoning. 
 Word games to enhance brain power and vocabulary.
The books are tastefully illustrated and attractively produced. In view of the highly competitive spirit of the modern times, where a child is expected to exhibit exceptionally high standard of general awareness, here is a series that should form an essential part of the curriculum in every school.

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