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1.18 Double Entry Book Keeping—CBSE XII

                      16.  From the following Receipts and Payments Account of Pioneer Cricket Club and the additional information
                        given, prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st March, 2019 and Balance Sheet as
                        at that date:

                     Dr.            RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st March, 2019   Cr.
                     Receipts                             `     Payments                            `
                     To  Balance b/d:                           By  Maintenance                     6,820
                        Cash                    3,520           By  Crockery                        2,650
                        Bank                   27,380           By  Match Expenses                 13,240
                        6% Fixed Deposit       30,000   60,900   By  Salaries                      11,000
                     To  Subscriptions                  40,000   By  Conveyance                      820
                         (including ` 6,000 for 2017–18)         By  Upkeep of Lawns                4,240
                     To  Entrance Fees                   2,750   By  Postage and Stationery         1,050
                     To  Donation                        5,010  By  Cricket Goods                   9,720
                     To  Interest on Fixed Deposits       900   By  Sundry Expenses                 2,000
                     To  Tournament Fund                20,000   By  Investments                    5,700
                     To  Sale of Crockery                2,000   By  Tournament Expenses           18,800
                        (Book Value ` 1,200)                    By  Balance c/d:
                                                                   Cash                   2,200
                                                                   Bank                   23,320
                                                                   6% Fixed Deposits      30,000   55,520
                                                       1,31,560                                   1,31,560
                        Additional Information:
                         (i)  Salary outstanding is ` 1,000.
                         (ii)  Opening balance of stock of Postage and Stationery and Cricket goods is  ` 750 and
                            ` 3,210 respectively. Closing stock of the same is ` 900 and ` 2,800 respectively.
                         (iii)  Outstanding Subscriptions for 2017–18 and 2018–19 are ` 6,600 and ` 8,000 respectively.
                                      [Surplus, i.e., Excess of Income over Expenditure—` 2,210; Opening Capital Fund—` 72,660;
                                                                                 Balance Sheet Total—` 77,070.]
                      17.  Sweet Valley Sports Club gives you the following Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended
                        31st March, 2019:
                     Dr.                         RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT                        Cr.
                     Receipts                            `      Payments                           `
                     To  Opening Balance:                       By  Rent                            6,000
                         In Hand                3,000           By  Salaries to Coaches            30,000
                         At Bank               30,000   33,000   By  Tournament Expenses           10,000
                     To  Subscriptions                  65,000  By  Office Expenses                20,000
                     To  Tournament Receipts            20,000   By  Sports Equipments             15,000
                     To  Life Membership Fees           30,000   By  Mowing Machine                12,000
                     To  Entrance Fees                   6,000   By  Closing Balance:
                     To  Donations for Pavilion         25,000       In Hand              16,000
                                                                    At Bank               70,000   86,000
                                                       1,79,000                                   1,79,000
                          Subscriptions include ` 5,000 for 2017–18 and ` 4,000 were still due in respect of subscriptions for 2018–19.
                        Sports Equipments in hand on 31st March, 2018 were ` 10,000. The value of the equipments in hand on 31st
                        March, 2019 was ` 21,000. The mowing machine was purchased on 1st October, 2018 and is to be depreciated
                        @ 10% p.a. Income from Tournament should be credited to a newly opened Tournament Fund.
                          Prepare Income and Expenditure Account of the Club for the year ended 31st March, 2019 and Balance
                        Sheet as at that date.
                                        [Surplus—` 9,400; Capital Fund (Opening)—` 48,000;  Balance Sheet Total—` 1,22,400.]
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