Page 23 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 23

Chapter 1    Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organisations  1.13

                                                BALANCE SHEET as at 31st March, 2018
                     Liabilities                          `     Assets                              `
                     Creditors for Stationery            4,800   Cash at Bank                      8,500
                     Capital Fund             4,20,000          Stock of Stationery                5,400
                     Add:  Surplus—Excess of Income             Premises                         4,00,000
                               over Expenditure   17,600   4,37,600   Furniture           30,000
                                                                Less: Depreciation        1,500    28,500
                                                       4,42,400                                  4,42,400

                     Working Notes:
                     1. Dr.                    CREDITORS FOR STATIONERY ACCOUNT                       Cr.
                     Date     Particulars                 `    Date     Particulars                 `
                     2018                                       2017
                       ?     To  Bank A/c               25,000   April   1  By  Balance b/d        10,000
                     March  31  To  Balance c/d           4,800   2018
                                                                March  31  By  Stock of Stationery A/c      19,800
                                                                           (Bal. Fig.) (Credit Purchases)
                                                        29,800                                     29,800

                     2.                           CONSUMPTION OF STATIONERY
                     Particulars                                                                    `
                     Stock of Stationery (Credit Purchases)                                       19,800
                     Less:  Stationery to be debited to General Expenses                   5,000
                          Unused Stock on 31st March, 2018                                 5,400   10,400
                     Stationery Consumed (to be debited to Income and Expenditure Account)         9,400

                                                  Unsolved Questions

                       1.  Compute the income from subscription for the year 2018–19 from the following particulars relating to a club:
                                                                          1st April, 2018   31st March, 2019
                                                                                `              `
                        Outstanding Subscription                              19,000         14,000
                        Advance Subscription                                   5,600         10,400
                        Subscription received during 2018–19 ` 2,97,800.
                                                                              [Subscription Income—` 2,88,000.]
                       2.  Salaries paid by a Youth Club during 2018–19 amounted to ` 16,000. Information about prepaid and unpaid
                        is given below. How will this item appear in the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended on
                        31st March, 2019?
                                                                         31st March, 2018   31st March, 2019
                                                                                `              `
                        Prepaid Salary                                         1,200          2,000
                        Unpaid Salary                                          2,500          1,500
                                                                                   [Salary Expenses—` 14,200.]
                       3.  How will you deal with the following items while preparing the Final Accounts of a club for the year 2018–19?
                                                                         31st March, 2018   31st March, 2019
                                                                                `              `
                        Outstanding Lockers Rent                               4,600          6,300
                        Advance Lockers Rent                                   3,000          4,000
                        Lockers Rent received during the year 2018–19 ` 32,000.
                                                                       [Lockers Rent Income for 2018–19—` 32,700.]
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