Page 24 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 24

1.14 Double Entry Book Keeping—CBSE XII

                       4.  On the basis of the following information, calculate the amount of stationery to be shown in Income and
                        Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st March, 2019:
                        Stock of stationery on 1st April, 2018                                3,000
                        Creditors of stationery on 1st April 2018                             2,000
                        Amount paid for stationery during the year                           10,800
                        Stocks of stationery on 31st March, 2019                                500
                        Creditors of stationery on 31st March, 2019                           1,300
                                                                                   [Stationery Used—` 12,600.]
                       5.  Show how would you deal with the following items of the Cosmopolitan Club as on 31st March, 2019:
                     Particulars                                                          Dr. (`)   Cr. (`)
                     Tournament Fund                                                        ...    10,000
                     Tournament Fund Investment                                          10,000      ...
                     Income from the Tournament Fund Investment                             ...     1,200
                     Tournament Expenses                                                   800       ...
                                                                    [Closing Balance of Tournament Fund—` 10,400.]
                       6.  Receipts and Payments Account of Friends Club showed that ` 6,85,000 were received by way of subscriptions
                        for the year ended on 31st March, 2018.
                          The additional information  was as under:
                         (a)  Subscription outstanding as on 31st March, 2017 were ` 65,000.
                         (b)  Subscription received in advance as on 31st March, 2017 were ` 41,000.
                         (c)  Subscription outstanding as on 31st March, 2018 were ` 54,000.
                         (d)  Subscription received in advance as on 31st March, 2018 were ` 25,000.
                          Show how the above information would appear in the final accounts for the year ended on 31st March,
                         2018 of Friends Club.
                                              [Subscription credited to Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended on
                                             31st March, 2018 is ` 6,90,000. Subscription outstanding as on 31st March, 2018 is
                                     ` 54,000 and should be shown on the assets side of the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2018
                                                   and subscriptions received in advance of ` 25,000 as on 31st March, 2018
                                                        on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2018.]
                          [Hint: Subscription credited to Income and Expenditure Account
                                        = ` 6,85,000 + ` 41,000 + ` 54,000 – ` 65,000 – ` 25,000 = ` 6,90,000.]
                       7.  Following is the Receipts and Payments Account of Literacy Club for the year ended 31st March, 2019:
                     Dr.                                                                              Cr.
                     Receipts                             `     Payments                            `
                     To  Balance b/d                    19,550   By  Salary                        3,000
                     To  Subscriptions:                         By  Newspapers                     2,050
                        2017–18                 1,200           By  Electricity                    1,000
                        2018–19                26,500           By  F.D. (on 1.7.2018 @ 9% p.a.)      20,000
                        2019–20                  500    28,200   By  Books                         10,600
                     To  Sale of Old Newspapers          1,250   By  Rent                          6,800
                     To  Government Grants              10,000   By  Furniture                     10,500
                     To  Sale of Old Furniture           5,700   By  Balance c/d                   11,200
                        (Book value ` 7,000)
                     To  Interest on Fixed Deposits       450
                                                        65,150                                     65,150
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