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        7(a) (a) To provide telemedicine facility in a hilly state, a computer network is to be setup to connect hospitals in
        6 small villages (V1, V2, . . . , V6) to the base hospital (H) in the state capital. This is shown in the following

        No village is more than 20km away from the state capital.
        Imagine yourself as a computer consultant for this project and answer the following questions with justification:
            (i)    Out of the following what kind of link should be provided to setup this network: (i) Microwave link,
                   (ii) Radio Link, (iii) Wired link?
            Ans: Radio Link as transmitter and receiver need to be in line and it works on hilly region.

            (ii)   What kind of network will be formed: LAN, MAN, or WAN?
        Ans: MAN as the distance is only 20 KM

        (iii) Many times doctors at village hospital will have to consult senior doctors at the base hospital. For this
        purpose, how should they contact them: using email, SMS, telephone, or video conference?

        Ans: Video Conference (two way conferencing)

        7 b) Out of SMTP and POP3 which protocol is used to receive emails?

        Ans: The SMTP protocol can only be used to send emails, not to receive them

        What is POP3?

        Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a standard mail protocol used to receive emails from a remote server to a local email client. POP3
        allows you to download email messages on your local computer and read them even when you are offline.

        What is IMAP?

        The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a mail protocol used for accessing email on a remote web server from a local client. IMAP and
        POP3 are the two most commonly used Internet mail protocols for retrieving emails. Both protocols are supported by all modern email clients
        and web servers.

        Main difference between IMAP and POP3:

        The POP3 protocol assumes that there is only one client connected to the mailbox. In contrast, the IMAP protocol allows simultaneous access by
        multiple clients. IMAP is suitable for you if your mailbox is about to be managed by multiple users.
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