Page 125 - C++
P. 125

Members  in  private  visibility  mode  are  not  This  is  same  as  private  visibility  mode
                        accessible  to  the  objects  of  class.  They  are  when we consider for a class.
                        only  accessible  inside  the  class  to  the  For inheritance it can be inherited.

                        member  functions  of  the  class.  During
                        inheritance it cannot be inherited.

                       b) Answer the questions (i) & (ii) after going through the following class .     2

                       class travel
                              int pcode;
                              char place[20];
                              float charges;
                          travel()                         // function 1
                          {  pcode=1;
                             strcpy( place, “DELHI”);
                          void travelplan( float c )       // function 2
                          ~travel()                        // function 3
                                 cout<<” Travel Plan Cancelled “;
                          travel(int pc, char p[], float c)   // function 4
                          {       pcode=pc;
                                  strcpy( place, p);

                    i) In  object  Oriented  Programming,  what  are  FUNCTION 1  and  FUNCTION 4
                       combined together referred as?.

                      Ans: Polymorphism/ constructor overloading/ function overloading/
                                  default and parameterized constructor
                    ii) In  object  Oriented  Programming,  Which  concept  of  OOPS  is  demonstrated

                       using FUNCTION 3? When is this function called/invoked?
                       Ans: Destructor. It is invoked when an object of a class goes out of scope.

                     c) Define a class BUS with the following specifications:                               4

                     Private members:

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