Page 15 - C++
P. 15

manufacturing date,
                         (ii)   List the details of mobile whose name starts with „S‟ or ends with „a‟,

                         (iii)   Display the Mobile supplier & quantity of all mobiles except „MB003‟,
                         (iv)   List  showing  the  name  of  mobile  company  having  price  between  3000  &


                         (v)    SELECT M_Id, SUM(M_Qty) FROM MobileStock GROUP BY M_Id;
                         (vi)   SELECT MAX(M_Date), MIN(M_Date) FROM MobileMaster;

                         (vii)   SELECT  M1.M_Id,  M1.M_Name,  M2.M_Qty,  M2.M_Supplier  FROM
                                MobileMaster  M1,  MobileStock  M2  WHERE  M1.M_Id=M2.M_Id  AND

                         (viii)  SELECT AVG(M_Price) FROM MobileMaster;

        Q6.  (a)     State & prove De-Morgan‟s law using truth table.                                              2

               (b)   Draw the equivalent logic circuit diagram of the following Boolean expression:-               2
                                           (A‟ + B).C‟

               (c)   Write the SOP form for the Boolean Function F(X,Y,Z) represented by the given truth           1

                                              X          Y           Z           F

                                              0           0          0           0

                                              0           0          1           1
                                              0           1          0           1

                                              0           1          1           0

                                              1           0          0           0
                                              1           0          1           0

                                              1           1          0           1

                                              1           1          1           1

               (d)   Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-Map:-                                         3
                                   F(U,V,W,Z)= π(0,2,5,7,12,13,15)
        Q7.  (a)     A  teacher  provides  “”  to  his/her  students  to       1

                     identify the URL & domain name.

               (b)   Which out of the following does not come under Cyber Crime?                                   1
                      (i)  Copying  data  from  the  social  networking  account  of  a  person  without  his/her

                          information & consent.
                      (ii)  Deleting some files, images, videos, etc. from a friend‟s computer with his consent.

                      (iii) Viewing  &  transferring  funds  digitally  from  a  person‟s  bank  account  without

                          his/her knowledge.
                      (iv)  Intentionally  making  a  false  account  on  the  name  of  a  celebrity  on  a  social

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