Page 12 - C++
P. 12

______________________________ #Write statement to invoke Function 3
               (c)   Define a class COURSE in Python with the following description :                              4
                     Instance Attributes:
                            REGNO Integer
                            CNAME String
                            Score Float
                            Fees Float
                                  A constructor to assign REGNO  as 0, Score and Fees as 0.0
                                  SetCourse() to assign Course and Fees on the basis of the Score input as
                                    per the following criteria:
                                       Score           CNAME                     Fees
                                       >=9.0 -<=10.0    Clinical Psychology      10000.0
                                       >=8.0 - <9.0    Corporate Counselling       8000.0
                                       >=5.0 - <8.0    Guidance and
                                                       Counselling                 6000.0
                                       less than 5.0   Not Eligible                   0.0

                                  GETDATA() to input REGNO and Score  and invoke SetCourse()
                                  DISPLAY() to display all the details.

               (d)   Answer the questions (i) and (ii) based on the following:                                     4

               (i)   Explain the relationship between Line 1 , Line 2 and Line 3.

               (ii)   Predict the output that will be produced on the execution of the following statements :

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