Page 16 - C++
P. 16

networking site.
               (c)   Expand the following:-                                                                        1

                         1.  GSM                  2. TDMA
               (d)   What is the significance of cookies stored on a computer?                                     1

               (e)   Kabir wants to purchase a Book online and he has placed the order for that book using an      1

                     e-commerce website. Now, he is going to pay the amount for that book online using his
                     Mobile, then he needs which of the following to complete the online transaction:-

                         1.  A bank account,

                         2.  Mobile phone which is attached to above bank account,
                         3.  The mobile banking app of the above bank installed on that mobile,

                         4.  Login credentials(UID & Pwd) provided by the bank,
                         5.  Or all of above.

               (f)   What do you mean by data encryption? For what purpose it is used for?                         1
               (g)   Sanskar University of Himachal Pradesh is setting up a secured network for its campus at

                     Himachal Pradesh for operating their day-to-day office & web based activities. They are

                     planning to have network connectivity between four buildings. Answer the question (i) to
                     (iv) after going through the building positions in the campus & other details which are

                     given below:

                                     Admin                      Building


                     The distances between various buildings of university are given as:-

                                    Building 1             Building 2         Distance(in mtrs.)

                                      Main                   Admin                    50
                                      Main                  Finance                  100

                                      Main                 Academic                   70
                                      Admin                 Finance                   50

                                     Finance               Academic                   70

                                      Admin                Academic                   60

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