Page 202 - C++
P. 202

CUST_ID         CUST_NAME             CUST_PHONE
                                   C011        Akhilesh Narang           56478969
                                   C012       Sumedha Madaan             87432980
                                   C013        Shivani Singhal           90065327
               Table: BILL
                        BILL_NO     CUST_ID      NO_OF_ITEMS         DEL_DATE         AMOUNT
                          3010        C012             20            2015-09-21         55000

                          3011        C013             70            2015-10-24        185000
                          3012        C011             45            2015-11-26        105000
                          3013        C013             30            2015-12-28         72000

                 i.  Display the details of items purchased before November 2015, with amount less
                    than 30000
                ii.  Display the number of times each customer has placed order
                iii.  Display the Customer name and phone number with number of items more than 40
                iv.  Display the delivery date of the order of customer “Shivani Singhal”
                 v.  Display the customer name and bill no with amount more than 100000
                vi.  Select cust_id from Bill where no_of_items<40 order by amount desc
               vii.  Select cust_name from Customer where cust_name like ‘S%’;

     6     a.  Name the law shown below and verify it using a truth table.                                   2
                                                 A + B . C= (A+B) . (A+C)

           b.  Draw the logic circuit for the following expression                                           1
                                                  F(P,Q,R) = P’ Q + P Q’ R’ + R

           c.  Write the Product of Sum form of the function F(M,N,K) for the following truth table          1
               representation of F :
                                               M       N        K       F
                                               0       0        0       0
                                               0       0        1       0
                                               0       1        0       1
                                               0       1        1       0

                                               1       0        0       1
                                               1       0        1       0
                                               1       1        0       1
                                               1       1        1       0

           d.  Convert the following Boolean expression into its equivalent Canonical Sum of Products        1
               form (SOP) :
                                  (U + V’ + W) (U + V ‘+ W’) (U’ + V + W) (U’ + V’ + W’)

           e.  Obtain the minimal form for the following Boolean expression using Karnaugh's Map.            3

                                               F(A,B,C,D)= π (0,1,2,4,5,6,8,10,15)

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