Page 203 - C++
P. 203

7     a.  Mention two advantages of Fibre Optic cable.                                                  1

           b.  How is Patent different from Copyright?                                                       1

           c.  This protocol is used to implement remote login. What is the name of the protocol?            1

           d.  What is the function of a Gateway?                                                            1

           e.  Give one characteristic of 3G and 4G each.                                                    1

           f.  Expand the following : SMTP, VoIP                                                             1

           g.  SAMS Facilities is setting up its network in Gurgaon. There are four departments Admin,       4
               Accounts, Marketing and Sales.

                 Distance between the various wings are:
                Admin to Accounts          50m                 Department  No of computers
                Admin to Marketing         270m                Admin                    90
                Admin to Sales             150m                Accounts                 45
                Accounts to Marketing      80m                 Marketing                50
                Accounts to Sales          400m                Sales                    30
                Marketing to Sales         90m

                 i)       Suggest a cable layout of connections between the Departments and specify
                         the topology.
                 ii)      Suggest the most suitable building to place the server with a suitable reason.
                 iii)  Suggest the placement of i) modem ii) Hub /Switch in the network.
                 iv)      The organization is planning to link its sale counter situated in various part of the
                         same city/ which type of network out of LAN, WAN, MAN will be formed? Justify.


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