Page 207 - C++
P. 207

costing ( );
                                  void entercost( );
                                  void dispcost( );
                   i)     Which type of inheritance is shown in the above example?
                   ii)    Write the names of all the members which are accessible from objects of
                          class costing.
                   iii)   Write names of all the members which are accessible from member function
                          of the class design.
                   iv)    How many bytes will be required by an object belonging to class design?

                   a)  WAF rearrange accepts two parameters an array of numbers and size of the
                       array which should reposition the content after swapping each adjacent pair of
                       numbers in it.
                       Note : assuming the size of array is multiple of 4
                       e.g. if an array of 8 integers is as follows :
                       86, 93, 40, 36, 52, 21, 70, 10
                       After executing the function, the array content should be changed as follows:
                       40, 36, 86, 93, 70, 10, 53, 21
                   b)  An array S[−1..35][−2..15] is stored in the memory along the row with each of
                       the element occupying 4 bytes, find out the address of element S[20][5] if an
                       element S[2] [2] is stored at a memory location 3000. Find out the total number
                       of elements stored in S and number of bytes allocated to S.
                   c)  Write function which accepts an integer 1 D array and its size as parameter and
                       assign the elements into a 2 D array of integers in the following format
                          If the 1 D array is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                          The resultant 2 D array is given below
                          0      0       0      0      1
                          0      0       0      1      2
                          0      0       1      2      3
                          0      1       2      3      4
                          1      2       3      4      5
                   d)  Convert the following infix expression to its equivalent postfix expression. Show
                       status of stack after every step.                                                 (2)
                           M / N – (P + Q) * R
                   e)  Write a function to perform insert operation in a circular Queue containing
                       players information(player ID and player name). Write the necessary
                       declaration also.
                   a)  Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill the blanks marked
                       as statement1 and statement2 using tellg( )and seekp( ) functions for
                       performing the required task.
                       # include <fstream.h>
                         class customer
                                long cno;;
                                char name[25], mobile[12];
                            public :
                                   //function to allow user to enter the cno, name and mobile number
                                   void enter( );
                                  // function to allow user to enter (modify) mobile number
                                  void modify( );
                                 // function to return value of cno
                                 long getcno( ) { return cno; }
                           void changemobile ( )
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