Page 209 - C++
P. 209

19            12
                          305     Sahaj Raina     2011-12-      1979-04-        MALE         S02
                                                  28            11
                          106      Riya Nayak     2009-06-      1983-03-       FEMALE        S03
                                                  09            13
                   Note : DOE refers to date of enrollment and DOB refers to date of birth of members.
                   b1)  Write the SQL commands for the following statements: --                          (4)
                     i)   To display the mno, name and dob of those members who are born between
                          the dates ‘1984-01-01’ and ‘1990-04-31’.
                    ii)   To display count of female members who have enrolled after ‘2010-01-31’.
                    iii)   To increase the fees by Rs. 1000 of all those sports who have alphabet ‘A’ as
                          one character in their name.
                    iv)   To display the sname, name and dob of all members.
                   b2)   Give the output of the following SQL queries: --                                (2)
                     i)   Select scode, count(*) from member
                          Group by scode having count(*) > 1;
                    ii)   Select avg(fee) from sports;
                    iii)   Select distinct scode from member;
                    iv)   Select min(dob),  max(dob) from member;

                   a)  Prove the following algebraically
                       A + B + C = A.B’ + B.C’ + A.C + A.B + B.C + A’.C
                   b)  Draw the logic circuit diagram for the following Boolean expression :
                             P’ + (Q + R) . S’

                   c)  Derive a canonical SOP expression  for a Boolean function F represented by the
                       following truth table :                                                           (1)

                                         X    Y  Z    F
                                         0    0   0   1
                                         0    0   1   1
                                         0    1   0   0
                                         0    1   1   0
                                         1    0   0   1
                                         1    0   1   0
                                         1    1   0   1
                                         1    1   1   1
                   d)  Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-Map:                              (3)
                          F(A,B,C,D) = ∑ (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15)

                   a)  What is packet switching technique?                                               (1)
                   b)  What do you mean by IP address? How is it useful in computer security?         (1)
                   c)  Define spam mails? How can you protect your mailbox from spam mails?         (1)
                   d)  Identify the Domain name and URL from the following.                              (1)
                   e)  Which protocol is used to create a connection with a remote machine?
                   f)  Out of the following, which is the most expensive (i) wired and (ii) wireless
                       medium of communication?
                            Coaxial cable, optical fiber, Ethernet cable, microwave, infrared, telephone
                   g)  Indian School, in Mumbai is starting up the network between its different wings.
                       There are Four Buildings named as SENIOR, JUNIOR, ADMIN and HOSTEL as
                       shown below.:                                                                     (4)

                           SENIOR           ADMIN
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