Page 208 - C++
P. 208

fstream f;
                              customer c;
                     (“concat.dat”, ios:: binary | ios :: in | ios :: out );
                              long cnoc;   //customer number whose mobile number needs to be
                              cin >> cnoc;
                                   while (*) & c, sizeof(c)))
                                       if (cnoc == c.getcno( ))
                                               c.modify( );

                                              // statement 1
                                              int pos = ________________          // to find the current position
                                                                         // of file pointer
                                 // statement 2
                                              __________________        // to move the file pointer to write the
                                                                                 // modified record back onto the file
                                             f.write((char *) &c, sizeof(c));
                              f.close( );
                   b)  Write a function to count and display the number of words which starts with ‘A’
                       or ‘a’ in the file “data.txt”.
                   c)  Given a binary file donar.dat, containing records of the following structure type:
                          struct donar
                                   int dcode;
                              char dname[20];
                              char bgroup[3];
                       Write a function in C++ that would read contents from the file “donar.dat” and
                       creates another file “donar1.dat” copying only those records from donar.dat
                       where the blood group is either “O” or “A”.

                   a)  Define the following terms with the help of an appropriate example.
                          i) union       ii) DDL
                   b)  Consider the following tables SPORTS and MEMBER and answer (b1) and (b2)
                       parts of the question:--
                                                                Table : SPORTS
                                     SCODE          SNAME            FEE
                                      S01      BADMINTON            1500
                                      S02      TABLE TENNIS         NULL
                                      SO3      BOWLING              7500

                                                             Table : MEMBER
                         MNO         NAME             DOE           DOB        GENDER      SCODE
                          501     Girish Vohra    2015-02-      1992-02-        MALE         S01
                                                  01            11
                          202       Kriti Jha     2010-11-      1991-09-       FEMALE        S03
                                                  10            25
                          903       Paritosh      2015-06-      1981-10-        MALE         S02
                                                  01            14
                          107    Ravleen Priya  2009-01-        1981-12-       FEMALE        S03
                                                  17            09
                          304     Navya Sahni     2011-12-      1996-10-       FEMALE        S01
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