Page 298 - C++
P. 298

CBSE AISSCE 2016-2017 Marking Scheme for Computer Science
                                      (Sub Code: 083 Paper Code 91 Outside Delhi)

                           Display() ​OR​ Third::Display()

                           (1 Mark for writing all correct function names )
                               ●  Marks not to be awarded for partially correct answer
                               ●  Ignore the mention of Constructors

                      (iii)  Write Statement 2 to call function Display() of class Second from the object T of
                          class Third.

                   Ans     T.Second::Display();

                           (1 Mark for writing Statement 2 correctly)

                      (iv)  What will be the order of execution of the constructors, when the object T of class
                          Third is declared inside main()?

                   Ans     First, Second, Third

                            (1 Mark for writing correct order)
                           ●  No Marks to be awarded for any other combination/order.
                           ●  Names of the constructor/class without parenthesis is acceptable

              3    (a)    Write the definition of a function AddUp(int Arr[], int N) in C++, in which all even                                           3
                          positions (i.e. 0,2,4,...) of the array should be added with the content of the
                          element in the next position and odd positions (i.e. 1,3,5,...) elements should be
                          incremented by 10.
                          Example: if the array Arr contains
                                   23      30     45     10    15     25
                           Then the array should become
                                    53     40     55      20    40    35

                              ●  The function should only alter the content in the same array.
                              ●  The function should not copy the altered content in another array.
                              ●  The function should not display the altered content of the array.
                              ●   Assuming, the Number of elements in the array are Even.

                    Ans   void AddUp(int Arr[], int N)
                             for(int i=0; i<N; i++)

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