Page 300 - C++
P. 300

CBSE AISSCE 2016-2017 Marking Scheme for Computer Science
                                      (Sub Code: 083 Paper Code 91 Outside Delhi)

                           35000          = BaseAddress + W(I*C + J)
                           35000          = BaseAddress + 4(10*20 + 5)
                           35000          = BaseAddress + 4(205)
                           35000          = BaseAddress + 820
                           BaseAddress    = 35000 - 820
                                          = 34180

                           LOC(ARR[5][15])= BaseAddress + W(I*C + J)
                                          = 34180       + 4(5*20 + 15)
                                          = 34180       + 4(100 + 15)
                                          = 34180       + 4 x 115
                                          = 34180       + 460
                                          = 34640
                           Loc(ARR[I][J]) = Ref. Address + W (( I – LR)*C + (J – LC))
                           W=size of each element = 4 bytes,
                           R=Number of Rows =15, C=Number of Columns=20
                           Reference Address= Address of given cell ARR[10][5]=35000
                           LR = Row value of given cell = 10
                           LC = Column value of given cell = 5

                           LOC(ARR[5][15]) = LOC(ARR[10][5]) + 4((5-10)*20 + (15-5))
                           LOC(ARR[5][15]) = 35000 + 4(-100 + 10)
                                           = 35000 + 4[-90]
                                           = 35000 -360
                                           = 34640

                           (1 Mark for writing correct formula (for Row major) OR substituting
                           formula with correct values)
                           (1Mark for correct calculation)
                           (1 Mark for final correct address)
                   (d)     Write the definition of a member function PUSHGIFT() for a class STACK in C++,                                       4
                           to add a GIFT in a dynamically allocated stack of GIFTs considering the following
                           code is already written as a part of the program:
                           struct GIFT
                              int GCODE;               //Gift Code
                              char GDESC[20];          //Gift Description
                              GIFT *Link;

                           class STACK
                             Gift *TOP;
                             void PUSHGIFT();
                             void POPGIFT();

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