Page 302 - C++
P. 302

CBSE AISSCE 2016-2017 Marking Scheme for Computer Science
                                      (Sub Code: 083 Paper Code 91 Outside Delhi)

                            )              -                           XYZ+U/
                            *              -*
                            V                                          XYZ+U/V
                            )                                          XYZ+U/V*
                            )                                          XYZ+U/V*-

                           Postfix= XYZ+U/V*-

                           Any other method for converting the given ​infix​​​ expression to its equivalent
                           postfix ​expression showing stack contents.

                           (½  Mark for correctly converting till each operator)
                           (1 Mark to be given for writing correct answer without showing the stack
                           content on each step)

              4.   (a)    Polina Raj has used a text editing software to type some text in an article. After                                               3
                          saving the article as ​MYNOTES.TXT​, she realised that she has wrongly typed alphabet
                          K in place of alphabet C everywhere in the article.

                          Write a function definition for PURETEXT() in C++ that would display the corrected
                          version of the entire article of the file ​MYNOTES.TXT with all the alphabets “K” to
                          be displayed as an alphabet “C” on screen​.
                          Note: Assuming that  ​MYNOTES.TXT​ does not contain any  C alphabet otherwise.
                          If Polina has stored the following content in the file ​MYNOTES.TXT​:

                            I OWN A KUTE LITTLE KAR.
                            I KARE FOR IT AS MY KHILD.
                          The function PURETEXT() should display the following content:

                            I OWN A CUTE LITTLE CAR.
                            I CARE FOR IT AS MY CHILD.

                   Ans     void PURETEXT()
                             char ch;
                             ifstream F("MYNOTES.TXT" );
                             F.close(); ​//IGNORE
                           Any other correct function definition

                             (1 Mark for opening MYNOTES.TXT correctly)
                             (1  Mark for reading each character ​(using any method)​ from the file)
                             (1  Mark for displaying ‘C’ in place of ‘K’)

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