Page 3 - C++
P. 3


                                            Subject: Computer Science
                                                Class: XII (2017-18)

        Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                                                M.M.:70


              (a) All questions are compulsory,
              (b) Answer either Section A or Section B:

                      (i)  Section A        -      Programming Language with C++
                      (ii) Section B        -       Programming Language with Python

              (c) Section C is compulsory.

                                                    SECTION – A (C++)
        Q.     Part  Question Description                                                                     Marks

        Q1.  (a)     What is the role of a parameter/argument passed in a function?  Can a default value be        2

                     assigned to a parameter(Yes/No)? If yes, justify your answer with the help of a suitable

                     example otherwise give reason.
               (b)   Raman suggests Kishan the following header files which are required to be included in         1

                     the  given  C++  program.  Identify  the  header  files  which  are  wrongly  suggested  by


                     Suggested header files:-
                         1.  iostream.h
                         2.  stdio.h
                         3.  conio.h
                         4.  ctype.h

               (c)   Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical errors (is any). Underline       2

                     each correction.

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