Page 5 - C++
P. 5

(f)   Consider  the  following  C++  program  code  and  choose  the  option(s)  which  are  not    2

                     possible as output. Also, print the minimum & maximum value of variable Pick during
                     complete  execution  of  the  program.(assume  all  necessary  header  files  are  included  in


                            (a) 5:6:6:6:

                            (b) 4:7:5:3:
                            (c) 8:6:1:2:

                            (d) 7:5:3:1
        Q2.  (a)     What  do  you  mean  by  Data  Abstraction  in  OOPs?  Explain  its  significance  in         2

                     programming with a suitable example.

               (b)   Answer  the  question  (i)  &  (ii)  after  going  through  the  following  code.  (assume  all   2
                     necessary header files are included in program):-

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