Page 7 - C++
P. 7

Also,  the  value  of  Amount  should  be  reduced  by  5%  if  Payment_mode  is

                     Public members:

                         1.  A  member  function  New_Bill()  that  will  accept  the  values  for  Bill_no,

                            Bill_period,  No_of_calls,  Payment_mode  from  the  user  and  invoke
                            Caluclate_Bill() to assign the value of Amount.

                         2.  A member function Print_Bill() that will display all details of a Bill.
               (d)   Answer the question from (i) to (iv) based on the given below code(assume all necessary       4

                     header files are included in program):-

                         (i)    Write name of the class whose constructor is invoked first on the creation of a

                                new object of class Country.
                         (ii)   Write name of the data members which are accessible through the object of

                                class Country.

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