Page 17 - IPP-11
P. 17

(f)  Explain the following List methods with examples—                                     (3)
               Ans.  (i)  count ()
                   (ii)  pop ()
                   (iii)  extend ()

              QUESTION 7
                (a)  What is argument? Give an example.                                                    (1)
               Ans.  List of variables/objects passed to functions or variables/objects that carry values from function call
                   statement to function definition.

                   def greet(name,msg):
                       """This function greets to
                       the person with the provided message"""
                       print("Hello",name + ', ' + msg)
                   greet("Rinku","Good morning!")
                (b)  Rewrite the following code after removing errors, if any, and underline each correction—   (1)
                   def func1()
                      input("input numbers:")
                      return number
               Ans.  def func1():
                       number = input("input numbers:")
                      return number
                (c)  Write any four Python’s built-in string manipulation methods with examples.           (2)
               Ans.  string.capitalize(), string.isalnum(), string.isalpha(),
                   string.isdigit(), string.isspace(), string.islower(),
                   string.isupper(), string.lower(), string.upper() or any other
                   function with example
                (d)  Write a program that reads a string and then prints a string that capitalizes every other letter in the string,
                   e.g., passion becomes pAsSiOn.                                                          (3)
               Ans.  string=input("Enter a string:")
                   print("Original String:",string)
                   for a in range(0,length,2):
                      if a<(length-1):
                   print("Alternatively capitalized string:", string2)
                (e)  Explain the following terms—                                                          (3)
               Ans.  (i)  Module – Named block of statements within a program.
                   (ii)  Function – Named independent grouping of code and data.
                   (iii)  Namespace – Named logical environment holding logical grouping of related objects.

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