Page 21 - IPP-11
P. 21


                                         Class-XI Informatics Practices (065)

              Time: 3 hours                                                                    Max. Marks: 70

                1.  Compare the calculator and computer in your own words.                                 (1)
                2.  What are the two main types of cache memory?                                           (1)
                3.  Write the names of two input and two output devices.                                   (2)
                4.  What are the different parts of a CPU? Explain each part in brief.                     (2)
                5.  Which of the following are hardware and software?                                      (1)
                   (a)  Capacitor
                   (b)  Internet Explorer
                   (c)  Hard disk
                   (d)  UNIX
                6.  (a)  Who developed Python?                                                             (1)
                   (b)  Is Python case-sensitive or not?                                                   (1)
                   (c)  Python is an Open Source Software. What do you understand by open source?          (1)

                7.  What are the supported data types of Python?                                           (2)
                8.  (a)  Predict the output of – print(str[2:5]) if str = ‘hello world’                    (2)
                   (b)  Predict the output of – print(str*2) if str = ‘Kendriya’                           (1)
                9.  Write a Python program to display the first and last colours from the following list:   (2)
                    List1 = [“violet”, “indigo”, “blue”, “green”, “yellow”, “orange”, “red”]
                10.  What is the purpose of ** and *?                                                      (2)
                11.  What is the purpose of pass statement?                                                (1)
                12.  What is the difference between lists and tuples? Give an example of their usage.      (2)
                13.  Explain the purpose of loop structures in a programming language. Describe the syntax and semantics of
                   one loop structure provided by Python.                                                  (3)
                14.  What is a string? How do you create a string in Python?                               (2)
                15.  Area of a triangle is given by the formula:-  (s a)(s – b)(s – c)  where a, b and c are the sides of the triangle
                   and s=(a+b+c)/2. Write a program in Python to compute the area of the triangle.         (3)
                16.  Write a program to check whether the entered string is a palindrome or not.           (3)
                17.  Write a line of code to execute infinite loop in Python.                              (1)
                18.  Write a Python program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.             (2)
                19.  Write a Python program to print multiplication tables from 2 to 10.                   (2)

                20.  Is series a one-dimensional labelled array capable of holding any data type?          (1)

                21.  Write the output of the following Python code—                                        (2)
                   def calc():
                       return[lambda x : i * x for i in range(4)]
                   print([m(2) for m in calc()])
                22.  Write the code to sort an array in NumPy by the (n-1)  column.                        (2)
                23.  Write two features of dictionary.                                                     (2)
                24.  What are the three types of import statements in Python? Explain.                     (3)

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