Page 20 - IPP-11
P. 20

8.  Write down the program in Python to sort a 3-item list.                                (4)

                 9.  Write a Python script to print the following:                                          (4)
                 10.  Write a program that inputs two tuples and creates a third that contains all elements of the first,
                    followed by all elements of the second.                                                 (4)
                 11.  Write a program that rotates a list so that the 1  element moves to the 2  index and so on. The item at
                    the last index comes at the first index.                                                (4)
                 12.  Write a program to count the number of elements in a list using dictionary.           (4)
                 13.  Explain computer organization with the help of a block diagram.                       (6)
                 14.  Explain various data types with suitable examples.                                    (6)

                 15.  Write a program to read a line and print the following statistics:                    (6)
                      •  No. of upper case characters
                      •  No. of lower case characters
                      •  No. of alphabets
                      •  No. of digits

                 16.  Write down a Python script to find the sum of the following:                          (6)
                     x-x^2/2!+x^3/3!-x^4/4!+x^5/5! ……….
                 17.  Write a program to read a string with multiple words and then capitalize the first letter of each word.

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