Page 92 - IPP-11
P. 92

  A sensor is a device that takes input from the physical environment and uses built-in computing resources to
                   perform predefined functions upon detection of specific input and then processes data before passing it on.

                   Blockchain technology uses a shared database of chaired blocks where copies of database exist on multiple

                 1.  Fill in the blanks.
                      (a)  .................................. refers to the ability of machines to perform cognitive tasks like thinking,
                         perceiving, learning, problem-solving and decision-making.
                      (b)  NLP is a branch of AI that facilitates .................................. between humans and computers.
                      (c)  Using a .................................., users experience being transported into real and imagined worlds.
                      (d)  The goal of .................................. is to design intelligent machines that can help and assist humans in
                         their day-to-day lives and keep everyone safe.
                      (e)  In .................................., data is not stored on the PC but it is available and accessible across devices.
                      (f)  .................................. is a cloud computing service that allows users to create and deploy applications.
                      (g)  A sensor converts the .................................. into a signal which can be measured electrically.
                      (h)  The “block” in blockchain technology refers to .................................. stored in a data structure referred
                         to as “chain” which is called .................................. .
                    Answers:  (a)  Artificial Intelligence   (b)  Language interaction   (c)  VR device
                              (d)  Robotics                (e)  Cloud computing         (f)  PaaS
                              (g)  Physical parameter      (h)  Digital information, public database
                 2.  State whether the following statements are True or False.
                      (a)  AI systems cannot help in decision-making.
                      (b)  NLP is a trait of Deep Learning, which is an implementation of AI.
                      (c)  Virtual Reality (VR) is a three-dimensional, computer-generated situation that simulates the real
           Supplement – Informatics Practices with Python–XI
                      (d)  Cloud-based storage makes use of local computer storage for saving files and information.
                      (e)  Drone is an example of Augmented Reality.
                      (f)  CCTV cameras installed at offices, houses, business establishments are a result of Internet of Things
                         (IoT) implementation.
                      (g)  Smart cities are not sustainable and liveable.
                      (h)  A grid is a computer network of  geographically dispersed  and  heterogeneous computational
                    Answers:  (a)  False    (b)  True      (c)  True     (d)  False    (e)  False     (f)  True
                              (g)  False    (h)  True
                 3.  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
                      (a)  IoT stands for ........................ .
                         (i)  Industry of Things                     (ii)  Internet of Things
                        (iii)  Intelligence of Things                (iv)  Internal Internet of Things
                      (b)  Which one of these is not an area of AI?
                         (i)  Computer vision/Image recognition      (ii)  Voice recognition
                        (iii)  Web design                            (iv)  Robotics
                      (c)  “Virtual reality” is described as:
                         (i)  Where parts of a person’s body are used for identification purposes. They are unique.
                         (ii)  A software environment that recreates a real-world or imaginary scenario like a game.
                        (iii)  The use of computers to encrypt data so that messages can be sent with complete privacy.
                        (iv)  Where images are made to appear three-dimensional and have ‘depth’.

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