Page 219 - ISCDEBK-XI
P. 219
Rectification of Errors 21.7
(ix) Sales A/c ...Dr. 500
To Suspense A/c 500
(Being the Sales Book overcast, now rectified)
(x) Sales A/c ...Dr. 90
To Suspense A/c 90
(Being total of Sales Book ` 4,230 brought forward as ` 4,320, now rectified)
(xi) Suspense A/c ...Dr. 5,000
To Sales A/c 5,000
(Being total of Sales Book omitted to be posted, now rectified)
Illustration 5.
Pass necessary Journal entries rectifying the following errors which were detected after
preparation of Trial Balance:
(i) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan omitted to be posted.
(ii) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan posted as ` 5,500.
(iii) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan credited to his account.
(iv) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan credited to his account as ` 500.
(v) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan posted to the debit of Sohan.
(vi) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan posted to the debit of Sohan as ` 5,600.
(vii) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan posted to the credit of Sohan.
(viii) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan posted to the credit of Sohan as ` 50,000.
(ix) A credit sale of an old machine of ` 5,000 to Mohan recorded as sale of goods.
(x) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan passed through the Purchases Book and posted
therefrom to the debit of Mohan.
(xi) A credit sale of ` 5,000 to Mohan entered in the Purchases Book as ` 5,200 and posted
therefrom to the credit of Sohan as ` 5,000.
(xii) Goods (Cost ` 3,500, Sale Price ` 4,000) taken by John, the proprietor, for his personal
use recorded in the Sales Book.
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
(i) Mohan ...Dr. 5,000
To Suspense A/c 5,000
(Being omission of posting to Mohan, now rectified)
(ii) Suspense A/c ...Dr. 500
To Mohan 500
(Being excess debit to Mohan, now rectified)
(iii) Mohan ...Dr. 10,000
To Suspense A/c 10,000
(Being wrong side posting, now rectified)
(iv) Mohan ...Dr. 5,500
To Suspense A/c 5,500
(Being posting on wrong side with wrong amount, now rectified)
(v) Mohan ...Dr. 5,000
To Sohan 5,000
(Being posting to wrong account, now rectified)