Page 115 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 115

Death of a Partner                                                             5.13
                     Profits  of  preceding  five  years  ending  31st  March,  were:  2014—`  28,750;  2015—`  35,000;
                     2016—` 22,500; 2017—` 20,000 and 2018—` 25,000.
                     You  are  required  to  show  Revaluation Account,  Partners’  Capital Accounts  and  Balance
                     Sheet of the new firm as at 30th June, 2018.

                     Dr.                             REVALUATION ACCOUNT                              Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                         `

                     To  Stock A/c                       1,500   By  Land and Building A/c         25,000
                     To  Gain (Profit) on Revaluation transferred to:      By  Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c      2,000
                        Mandeep’s Capital A/c   8,500
                        Randeep’s Capital A/c   8,500
                        Sandeep’s Capital A/c   8,500   25,500
                                                        27,000                                     27,000

                     Dr.                          PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                          Cr.

                     Particulars       Mandeep   Randeep  Sandeep   Particulars   Mandeep  Randeep   Sandeep
                                          `       `       `                          `      `       `
                     To  Goodwill A/c (WN 2)   15,750   15,750   15,750   By  Balance b/d  75,000  50,000  50,000
                     To  Sandeep’s Capital A/c   4,375   4,375   ...   By  Revaluation A/c   8,500   8,500   8,500
                        (WN 2)                                     (Gain or Profit)
                     To  Sandeep’s                              By  Investments Fluctua-
                        Executor’s A/c    ...     ...   56,925      tion Reserve (WN 1)   550   550   550
                     To  Balance c/d    66,925   41,925   ...   By  General Reserve A/c   3,000   3,000   3,000
                                                                By  Mandeep’s Capital A/c   ...   ...   4,375
                                                                   (WN 2)
                                                                By  Randeep’s Capital A/c   ...   ...   4,375
                                                                   (WN 2)
                                                                By  Profit and Loss
                                                                   Suspense A/c (WN 3)   ...   ...   1,875
                                        87,050  62,050  72,675                     87,050  62,050  72,675

                                             BALANCE SHEET OF MANDEEP AND RANDEEP
                                                       as at 30th June, 2018
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                              `
                     Creditors                          33,250  Cash                                2,500
                     Investments Fluctuation Reserve      1,350   Bank                             10,000
                     Sandeep’s Executor’s A/c           56,925   Debtors                           25,000
                     Capital A/cs:                              Stock                              23,500
                     Mandeep                     66,925         Land and Building                 1,25,000
                     Randeep                     41,925  1,08,850   Investments (At Cost)          12,500
                                                                Profit and Loss Suspense A/c        1,875
                                                       2,00,375                                   2,00,375
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