Page 117 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 117

Death of a Partner                                                             5.15

                     Hari died on 1st April, 2020 and Sonu and Zubin decided to share profits in future in the ratio of
                     2 : 3 respectively.
                     The other terms on death of a partner were as follows:
                       (i)  Goodwill of the firm is to be valued at ` 80,000.
                       (ii)  Fixed Assets (Tangible) are to be reduced to ` 57,500.
                      (iii)  Provide Provision for Doubtful Debts at 5% on Sundry Debtors.
                      (iv)  A claim, included in Creditors for ` 10,000, is settled at ` 8,000.
                       (v)  Deceased partner will be entitled to his share in profit for the year calculated on the basis of
                         average profit of past three years which were as follows for the years ended 31st March, 2020—
                         ` 85,000, 2019—` 80,000 and 2018—` 60,000.
                     The amount to be paid to Hari’s Executor by Sonu and Zubin in such a way that their capitals are proportionate
                     to their profit-sharing ratio and leave a balance of ` 15,000 in the Bank Account.
                     Prepare Revaluation Account and Partners’ Capital Accounts.
                     Dr.                             REVALUATION ACCOUNT                              Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                        `

                     To  Fixed Assets A/c                2,500   By  Creditors A/c                  2,000
                     To  Provision for Doubtful Debts A/c      5,000   By  Loss on Revaluation transferred to:
                                                                   Hari’s Capital A/c     2,750
                                                                   Sonu’s Capital A/c     1,650
                                                                   Zubin’s Capital A/c    1,100     5,500
                                                         7,500                                      7,500

                     Dr.                          PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                          Cr.
                     Particulars         Hari (`)  Sonu (`)   Zubin (`)  Particulars  Hari (`)   Sonu (`)   Zubin (`)
                     To  Revaluation A/c (Loss)   2,750   1,650   1,100   By  Balance b/d  40,000  62,000  33,000
                     To  Hari’s Capital A/c    ...   8,000   32,000   By  Workmen Compen-
                     To  Goodwill A/c     2,500   1,500   1,000      sation Reserve A/c   5,000   3,000   2,000
                     To  Advertisement                          By  Sonu’s Capital A/c   8,000   ...   ...
                        Suspense A/c      2,500   1,500   1,000   By  Zubin’s Capital A/c   32,000   ...   ...
                     To  Bank A/c       1,19,750    ...   ...   By  Profit and Loss A/c   42,500   25,500   17,000
                     To  Balance c/d (WN 3)   ...   79,000  1,18,500   By  Bank A/c   ...    1,150  1,01,600
                                                                   (Balancing Figure)
                                        1,27,500   91,650  1,53,600                1,27,500   91,650  1,53,600

                     Working Notes:
                      1.   Gain/Sacrifice  =  New Share – Old Share

                                      2  3   1              3  2   4
                           Sonu’s Gain =   −  =  ;  Zubin’s Gain =  −  =
                                      5 10  10              5 10  10
                           Gaining Ratio =  1 : 4.
                      2.  Hari’s Share of Goodwill = ` 80,000 ×   = ` 40,000 to be contributed by Sonu and Zubin in their gaining
                        ratio.                      10
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