Page 258 - ISCDEBK-12
P. 258

Final Accounts of Companies—Application of Schedule III, Part I...             10.9
                     Notes to Accounts

                       1.  Share Capital                                                            `
                         Authorised Capital
                          ... Equity Shares of ` 100 each                                           ...
                         Issued Capital
                          4,000 Equity Shares of ` 100 each                                      4,00,000
                          Subscribed Capital
                         Subscribed and Fully Paid-up
                          4,000 Equity Shares of ` 100 each                                      4,00,000
                       2.  Reserves and Surplus
                          Surplus, i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss (Opening Balance)      1,00,000
                         Less:  Underwriting Commission                                            5,000
                       3.  Long-term Borrowings
                         5% Debentures                                                           2,00,000
                          Loan from Subsidiary*                                                    50,000
                          *Loan from Subsidiary Company is Unsecured.
                       4.  Trade Payables
                          Creditors                                                                30,000
                       5.  Other Current Liabilities
                          Interest Accrued and Due on 5% Debentures                                10,000
                       6.  Short-term Provisions
                         Provision for Taxation                                                    25,000
                       7.  Fixed Assets—Tangible
                          Cost                                                       6,60,000
                         Less:  Accumulated Depreciation                              30,000     6,30,000
                       8.  Non-Current Investments
                         Investments                                                               70,000
                       9.  Trade Receivables
                          Bills Receivable                                                         20,000
                     Illustration 4.
                     From the list of following assets and liabilities, prepare Balance Sheet of the Company as
                     per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013:
                                                      NISHANT COMPANY LTD.
                     Liabilities                         `    Assets                                `
                     Sundry Creditors                 1,00,000   Cash at Bank                      79,800
                     General Reserve                   50,000   Cash in Hand                        1,500
                     Accrued Interest on Debentures      28,000   Investments (Government Bonds)      95,000
                     Authorised Capital                        Preliminary Expenses                 9,000
                     1,20,000 Equity Shares of                 Loans and Advances to Staff         95,000
                     ` 10 per Share                  12,00,000   Goodwill                          50,000
                     Subscribed Capital                       Building                            6,00,000
                     80,000 Equity Shares of                   Plant and Machinery        6,60,000
                     ` 10 each                8,00,000         Less:  Depreciation         66,000   5,94,000
                     Less:  Calls-in-Arrears   15,000   7,85,000   Stock-in-Trade                  10,000
                     Surplus, i.e., Balance in Statement of           Debtors             1,74,000
                     Profit and Loss                   75,000   Less:  Provision for Doubtful Debts   8,700   1,65,300
                     6% Debentures                    6,00,000   Furniture                         14,400
                     Bills Payable                     76,000
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