Page 260 - ISCDEBK-12
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Final Accounts of Companies—Application of Schedule III, Part I...            10.11

                       5.  Other Current Liabilities
                          Accrued Interest on Debentures                                          28,000
                       6.  Tangible Fixed Assets
                          (i)  Building                                                          6,00,000
                          (ii)  Plant and Machinery                                  6,60,000
                             Less:  Depreciation                                      66,000     5,94,000
                         (iii)  Furniture                                                         14,400
                       7.  Intangible Fixed Assets
                        Goodwill                                                                  50,000
                       8.  Non-Current Investments
                          Government Bonds                                                        95,000
                       9.  Inventories
                        Stock-in-Trade                                                            10,000
                      10.  Trade Receivables*
                          Debtors                                                    1,74,000
                        Less:  Provision for Doubtful Debts                            8,700     1,65,300
                      11.  Cash and Bank Balances
                        Cash in Hand                                                               1,500
                          Cash at Bank                                                            79,800
                      12.  Short-term Loans and Advances
                        Advances to Staff                                                         95,000
                        Contingent Liabilities
                          A contingent liability in respect of claim of ` 10,000 is not acknowledged as debt.
                     Illustration 5.
                     Following Ledger balances were extracted from the books of Varun Ltd. on 31st March, 2019:
                     Land and Building ` 2,00,000; 12% Debentures ` 2,00,000; Share Capital ` 10,00,000 (Equity
                     Shares of ` 10 each Fully Paid up); Plant and Machinery ` 8,00,000; Goodwill ` 2,00,000;
                     Investments  in  Shares  of  Raja  Ltd.  `  2,00,000;  General  Reserve  `  2,00,000;  Stock-in-Trade
                     ` 1,00,000; Bills Receivable ` 1,00,000; Debtors ` 1,50,000; Creditors ` 1,00,000; Bank Loan
                     (Unsecured) ` 1,00,000; Provision for Tax ` 55,000; and Discount on Issue of 12% Debentures
                     ` 5,000.
                     Proposed Dividend for the year is ` 1,00,000.
                     You  are  required  to  prepare  Balance  Sheet  of  the  company  as  per  Schedule  III,  Part  I  of
                     the Companies Act, 2013.
                     Solution:                            Varun Ltd.
                                                 BALANCE SHEET as at 31st March, 2019
                     Particulars                                                        Note No.    `
                      I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                         1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                            (a)  Share Capital                                             1     10,00,000
                            (b)  Reserves and Surplus                                      2      1,95,000
                          2.   Non-Current Liabilities
                           Long-term Borrowings                                            3      3,00,000
                         3.  Current Liabilities
                            (a)  Trade Payables                                            4      2,00,000
                            (b)  Short-term Provisions                                     5       55,000
                         Total                                                                   17,50,000
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