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Cash Flow Statement—Based on Accounting Standard-3 (Revised)                   3.11

                       II.  Cash Flow from Investing Activities
                          Sale of Land and Building (Note 2)                            18,000
                          Purchase of Land and Building                                (19,000)
                          Purchase of Plant and Machinery                              (12,000)
                          Cash Used in Investing Activities                                       (13,000)
                      III.  Cash Flow from Financing Activities
                          Proceeds from Issue of Shares                                 25,000
                          Redemption of Debentures                                      (2,500)
                          Repayment of Bank Overdraft                                  (35,000)
                          Cash Used in Financing Activities                                       (12,500)
                      IV.  Net Increase in Cash and Bank Balances (I + II + III)                    4,050
                       V.  Cash and Bank Balances in the beginning of the Period                     250
                      VI.  Cash and Bank Balances at the end of the Period (IV + V)                 4,300

                     1.  Calculation of Net Profit before Tax:                                      `
                        Surplus,  i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss (Closing)          33,800
                        Less:  Surplus, i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss (Opening)    30,250
                        Add:  Provision for Tax (Current Year)                                     16,500
                        Net Profit before Tax                                                      20,050
                     2.  Dr.                       LAND AND BUILDING ACCOUNT                          Cr.
                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                        `
                     To  Balance b/d                  1,00,000   By  Depreciation A/c               6,000
                     To  Bank A/c (Purchase)           19,000   By  Bank A/c (Sale) (Balancing Figure)   18,000
                                                               By  Balance c/d                     95,000
                                                      1,19,000                                    1,19,000
                     3.  Interest on debentures is not considered while computing Operating Profit before Working Capital
                        Changes because rate of interest is not given.
                     Illustration 8.
                     The Balance Sheet of Copper & Company Ltd. as at 31st March, 2019 is given below:

                                                      BALANCE SHEET as at...

                     Particulars                                            Note No.   31st March,   31st March,
                                                                                      2019 (`)   2018 (`)
                       I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                        1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                          (a)  Share Capital                                          1,80,000   1,50,000
                          (b)  Reserves and Surplus                           1       1,00,000   80,000
                        2.  Non-Current Liabilities
                           Long-term Borrowings                               2       1,89,000   1,31,000
                        3.  Current Liabilities
                          (a)  Short-term Borrowings                          3         1,000     3,000
                          (b)  Trade Payable                                  4        14,000    14,000
                        Total                                                         4,84,000   3,78,000
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