Page 40 - MA12
P. 40

Cash Flow Statement—Based on Accounting Standard-3 (Revised)                   3.15
                     Additional Information:
                       1.  Depreciation for the year was ` 1,10,000.
                       2.  Bad Debts written off amounted to ` 15,000.
                       3.  Income included excess provision written back ` 5,000.
                       4.  Dividend received on investments was ` 5,000.
                     Solution: Calculation of Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes

                     Particulars                                                                    `
                     Net Profit before Tax (Note)                                                 6,35,000
                     Add:   Non-cash Expenses:
                          (a)  Depreciation                                           1,10,000
                          (b)  Bad Debts                                               15,000     1,25,000
                     Less:   Non-cash Income:
                          Excess Provision written back                                             5,000
                     Less:   Non-operating Income (Dividend)                                        5,000
                     Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes                              7,50,000
                     Net Profit before Tax
                     Net Profit for the year (Difference between Closing and Opening Surplus, i.e.,   `
                     Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss) (` 2,40,000 – ` 90,000)            1,50,000
                     Add:  Transfer to General Reserve (` 1,50,000 – ` 75,000)                     75,000
                          Investments Fluctuation Reserve (` 1,00,000 – ` 40,000)                  60,000
                          Proposed Dividend (Previous Year)                                      1,00,000
                          Provision for Tax (Current Year)                                       2,50,000
                     Net Profit before Tax                                                       6,35,000

                               Master Questions and Advanced Level Questions

                     Illustration 10.
                       From the following Balance Sheet of Clay Ltd., prepare Cash Flow Statement:

                                                BALANCE SHEET as at 31st March, 2020
                     Particulars                                            Note No.   31st March,   31st March,
                                                                                      2020 (`)   2019 (`)
                      I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                        1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                          (a)  Share Capital                                          8,00,000   5,00,000
                          (b)  Reserves and Surplus                           1       3,50,000   2,05,000
                        2.  Non-Current Liabilities
                           Long-term Borrowings (10% Debentures)                      4,00,000   5,00,000
                        3.  Current Liabilities
                          (a)  Short-term Borrowings (10% Bank Loan)                   50,000      ...
                          (b)  Trade Payables                                 2        75,000   1,00,000
                          (c)  Other Current Liabilities                      3        30,000      ...
                          (d)  Short-term Provisions                          4        65,000    50,000
                        Total                                                        17,70,000   13,55,000
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