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3.14                                       Management Accounting (Section B)—ISC XII

                     3.  Dr.                            PLANT ACCOUNT                                 Cr.

                     Particulars                         `      Particulars                         `
                     To  Balance b/d                    80,000   By  Depreciation A/c               5,000
                     To  Bank A/c (Balancing Figure: Purchase)      25,000   By  Balance c/d      1,00,000
                                                        1,05,000                                    1,05,000

                     Illustration 9.
                     Calculate  Operating  Profit  before  Working  Capital  Changes  from  the  following  Balance
                     Sheet and information of Grand Marketing Ltd. as at 31st March, 2019:

                     Particulars                                           Note No.   31st March,    31st March,
                                                                                     2019 (`)   2018 (`)
                       I.  EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                        1.  Shareholders’ Funds
                          (a)  Share Capital                                 1      20,00,000   11,50,000
                          (b)  Reserves and Surplus                          2       4,90,000   2,05,000
                        2.  Current Liabilities
                          (a)  Trade Payables                                        1,20,000   1,10,000
                          (b)  Other Current Liabilities                     3        15,000     20,000
                          (c)  Short-term Provisions                         4       2,50,000   2,00,000
                        Total                                                       28,75,000   16,85,000
                      II.  ASSETS
                        1.  Non-Current Assets
                          (a)  Fixed Assets—Tangible                                17,50,000   8,85,000
                          (b)  Non-Current Investments                               5,00,000   5,00,000
                        2.  Current Assets                                           6,25,000   3,00,000
                         Total                                                      28,75,000   16,85,000

                     Notes to Accounts
                     Particulars                                                    31st March,   31st March,
                                                                                     2019 (`)   2018 (`)
                      1.  Share Capital
                         Equity Share Capital                                       10,00,000   7,50,000
                         Preference Share Capital                                   10,00,000   4,00,000
                                                                                    20,00,000   11,50,000
                      2.  Reserves and Surplus
                        General Reserve                                              1,50,000    75,000
                         Investments Fluctuation Reserve                             1,00,000    40,000
                         Surplus, i.e., Balance in Statement of Profit and Loss      2,40,000    90,000
                                                                                     4,90,000   2,05,000
                      3.  Other Current Liabilities
                         Outstanding Expenses                                         15,000     20,000
                      4.  Short-term Provisions
                         Provision for Tax                                           2,50,000   2,00,000

                     Note:  Proposed  Dividend  for  the  years ended  31st  March,  2019  and  2018  were  `  1,50,000 and  `  1,00,000
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