Page 62 - MA12
P. 62

Ratio Analysis                                                                  4.7
                                                     Gross Profit             `  2,00,000
                       (i)   Gross Profit Ratio =                     ¥ 100  =          ¥ 100 =  40%.
                                              Revenue from Operations         `  5,00,000
                                 Gross Profit = Revenue from Operations – Cost of Revenue from Operations
                                                (Cost of Goods Sold)
                                             = ` 5,00,000 – ` 3,00,000 = ` 2,00,000.
                       (ii)  Working Capital Turnover Ratio

                                              Revenue from Operations    `  5,00,000
                                             =                         =           = 8.33 Times.
                                                   Working Capital        `  60,000

                             Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities
                                             = ` 2,00,000 – ` 1,40,000 = ` 60,000.

                                              Shareholders’ Funds     `  2,50,000
                       (iii)    Proprietary Ratio =              =                 = 0.51 : 1.
                                                  Total Assets      `  4,90,000 (WN)
                           Working Note:
                                  Total Assets =  Paid-up Share Capital + 13% Debentures + Current Liabilities
                                              =  ` 2,50,000 + ` 1,00,000 + ` 1,40,000 = ` 4,90,000.
                     Illustration 3.
                     From the following information, calculate: (i)  Gross  Profit  Ratio,  (ii) Current Ratio,
                     (iii) Working Capital Turnover Ratio, (iv) Inventory Turnover Ratio and (v) Quick Ratio:
                     Revenue from Operations                                                    30,00,000
                     Cost of Revenue from Operations (Cost of Goods Sold)                       20,00,000
                     Current Assets                                                              6,00,000
                     Current Liabilities                                                         2,00,000
                     Average Inventory (excluding Loose Tools and Spare Parts)                   2,00,000
                     Prepaid Expenses                                                              30,000
                                                     Gross Profit             `  10,00,000
                       (i)  Gross Profit Ratio =                      ¥ 100 =            ¥ 100 = 33.33%.
                                              Revenue from Operations         `  30,00,000
                                 Gross Profit = Revenue from Operations – Cost of Revenue from Operations
                                             = ` 30,00,000 – ` 20,00,000 = ` 10,00,000.

                                                Current Assets   `  6,00,000
                       (ii)     Current Ratio =                =          = 3 :1.
                                              Current Liabilities  `  2,00,000
                                                         Revenue fromOperations   `  30,00,000
                       (iii)  Working Capital Turnover Ratio =                  =            = 7.5 Times.
                                                            Working Capital       `  4,00,000

                             Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities
                                            =  ` 6,00,000 – ` 2,00,000 = ` 4,00,000.
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