Page 69 - MA12
P. 69

4.14                                       Management Accounting (Section B)—ISC XII

                            Net Profit Ratio =       Net Profit      ¥ 100
                                              Revenue from Operations

                                              `  2,30,000
                                            =           ¥ 100  = 18.40%.
                                              `  12,50,000
                     Illustration 11.
                     Following  is  the  Statement  of  Profit  and  Loss  of  a  firm  for  the  year  ended  31st  March,
                     2019, calculate Operating Ratio:

                                       STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS  for the year ended 31st March, 2019
                     Particulars                                                         Note No.   `
                      I.  Income
                        Revenue from Operations (Net Sales)                                       4,00,000
                     II.  Expenses
                        Purchases of Stock-in-Trade                                               2,25,000
                        Change in Inventories of Stock-in-Trade                                   (15,000)
                        Employees Benefit Expenses                                          1       6,000
                        Other Expenses                                                      2      34,000
                        Total                                                                     2,50,000
                     III.  Net Profit (I – II)                                                    1,50,000

                     Notes to Accounts
                      1.  Employees Benefit Expenses                                               `
                         Wages                                                                      6,000
                      2.  Other Expenses
                         Administration Expenses                                                   10,000
                         Selling and Distribution Expenses                                         14,000
                         Loss on Sale of Plant                                                     10,000

                     Operating Ratio
                      Cost of Revenue from Operations (Cost of Sales) (WN 1) + Operating Expenses (WN 2)
                     =                                                                             ¥ 100
                                                 Revenue from Operations

                       `  2,16,000 +  24,000`    `  2,40,000
                     =                    × 100 =          ¥ 100 =  60%.
                            `  4,00,000          `  4,00,000

                     Working Notes:
                      1.  Cost of Revenue from Operations (Cost of Sales)
                                          =  Purchases of Stock-in-Trade + Change in Inventories of Stock-in-Trade
                                            + Wages (Employees Benefit Expenses)
                                          =  ` 2,25,000 – ` 15,000* + ` 6,000 = ` 2,16,000.
                         *Changes in Inventories of Stock-in-Trade is a negative amount. Hence, it is deducted.
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