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Exploring Physics: Textbook for ICSE Class 8 (2025-26 Session)

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Exploring Physics: Textbook for ICSE Class 8 (2025-26 Session)

Author:- N.K. Seghal
Board:- ICSE
Class:- 8
Subject:- Physics
Language:- English
ISBN:- 9788119446544
333.00 370.00

Book Detail

The present book ICSE Exploring Physics for Class VIII students has been prepared strictly in accordance with the New Syllabus prescribed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi. It aims to make the students learn and assimilate the basic concepts in a simple and interesting way.
This book is an effort to involve the students actively in a stimulating pursuit of knowledge. Each aspect of Physics is introduced through a situation that is familiar to them and interesting. We are sure that both the teachers and the students will like this as a refreshing approach.
A textbook is expected to facilitate the learning process. In this book we have made most liberal use of visual aids—illustrations and pictures—to facilitate the students’ understanding of the subject. The illustrations and pictures are simple, attractive and self-explanatory. With this book in their hands, the students will find Physics as an interesting subject.
‘Read and Repeat’ is a very important key to effective learning. That is why each chapter of the book is followed by Points To Remember (a summary) which will help in the recapitulation of the salient features of various concepts. Each chapter contains Exercises covering Short Answer Type Questions and Long Answer Type Questions, Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, Match the Columns, True and False and Answer in Brief questions. This will not only assess how much a student has grasped but also help him / her to revise the whole chapter.

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