Page 116 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 116

5.32  Double Entry Book Keeping—CBSE XII

                     Dr.                             PARTNERS’ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                       Cr.
                     Particulars   Annu (`)   Mannu (`)   Sonu (`)   Particulars   Annu (`)  Mannu (`)  Sonu (`)
                     To  Cash A/c    41,080   85,720     ...    By  Balance b/d   1,19,000  1,12,000   ...
                        (Bal. Fig.)                             By  General Reserve A/c   6,000   4,000   ...
                     To  Balance c/d  1,12,000  56,000  56,000  By  Revaluation A/c  18,480  12,320  ...
                        (WN 3)                                     (Gain)
                                                                By  Investments
                                                                   Fluctuation Fund A/c   1,200   800   ...
                                                                   (WN 1)
                                                                By  Premium for
                                                                   Goodwill A/c (WN 2)   8,400   12,600   ...
                                                                By  Cash A/c (Capital)   ...   ...   56,000
                                    1,53,080   1,41,720   56,000                  1,53,080  1,41,720   56,000

                                          BALANCE SHEET OF THE NEW FIRM as at 31st March, 2009
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                              `

                     Creditors (` 56,000 – ` 9,800)      46,200   Cash in Hand (WN 4)              27,200
                     Capital A/cs:                              Debtors                            42,000
                     Annu                     1,12,000          Investments (Market Value)         19,000
                     Mannu                     56,000           Building                           98,000
                     Sonu                      56,000   2,24,000   Plant and Machinery             84,000
                                                       2,70,200                                   2,70,200

                     Working Notes:                                               `       `
                      1.  Investments Fluctuation Fund A/c         ...Dr.       4,000
                         To   Investments A/c                                            2,000
                         To   Annu’s Capital A/c                                         1,200
                         To   Mannu’s Capital A/c                                         800
                         (Transfer of excess Investments Fluctuation Fund to Old Partners’
                         Capital Accounts in their old profit-sharing ratio)
                      2.  Sonu’s share of Goodwill =  ` 84,000 × 1/4 =  ` 21,000, which is credited to Annu’s and Mannu’s Capital
                       Accounts in their sacrificing ratio.
                        Calculation of Sacrificing Ratio (Sacrifice = Old Share – New Share):
                                           3  2  12 10  2                  2  1  85    3
                              Annu’s Sacrifice  =   -  =  =  ; Mannu’s Sacrifice =   -  =  =
                                           5  4   20    20                 5  4  20   20
                                           2  3
                            Sacrificing Ratio =   :  or 2 : 3.
                                           20 20
                            Share of Annu in Goodwill  =  ` 21,000 × 2/5 = ` 8,400
                           Share of Mannu in Goodwill  =  ` 21,000 × 3/5 = ` 12,600.
                      3.  Calculation of adjusted capital of Annu and Mannu on the basis of Sonu’s Capital:
                                                         Capitalof theNew Partner (Sonu)
                                Total Capital of the New Firm  =
                                                         Share of Profit of theNew Partner
                                                         `  56,000        4
                                                        =       = 56,000`  ¥  = 2,24,000`
                                                           1/4            1
                         Thus,    Annu’s Capital in New Firm  =  ` 2,24,000 × 2/4 = ` 1,12,000; and
                                Mannu’s Capital in New Firm  =  ` 2,24,000 × 1/4 = ` 56,000.
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