Page 13 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 13

Chapter 1    Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organisations  1.3

                                          INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT (AN EXTRACT)
                     Dr.                          for the year ended 31st March, 2012                 Cr.
                     Expenditure                          `     Income                              `
                     To  Sports Materials Consumed:
                        Opening Stock           3,000
                        Add: Purchase          10,100
                        Less: Closing Stock      500    12,600
                     Illustration 2.
                     From the following information of a Not-for-Profit organisation, show the Sports Material items
                     in the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st March, 2009:
                     Particulars                                As at 31st March, 2008 (`)   As at 31st March, 2009 (`)
                     Stock for Sports Material                        2,200                 5,800
                     Creditors for Sports Material                    7,800                 9,200
                     Advance to Suppliers for Sports Material        15,000                25,000
                     Payment to suppliers for the sports material during the year was ` 1,20,000, there were no cash
                     purchases made.                                                           (KVS 2015)
                                          AN EXTRACT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT
                     Dr.                          for the year ended 31st March, 2009                 Cr.
                     Expenditure                          `     Income                              `
                     To  Sports Material Consumed      1,07,800
                     Working Notes:
                     1. Dr.                  CREDITORS FOR SPORTS MATERIAL ACCOUNT                    Cr.
                     Particulars                          `     Particulars                         `
                     To  Balance b/d (Advance)          15,000   By  Balance b/d                   7,800
                     To  Bank A/c                      1,20,000   By  Stock of Sports Material A/c      1,11,400
                     To  Balance c/d                     9,200      (Credit Purchase) (Bal. Fig.)
                                                                By  Balance c/d (Advance)          25,000
                                                       1,44,200                                  1,44,200

                     2. Dr.                    STOCK OF SPORTS MATERIAL ACCOUNT                       Cr.
                     Particulars                          `     Particulars                         `
                     To  Balance b/d                     2,200   By  Income and Expenditure A/c (Bal. Fig.)     1,07,800
                     To  Creditors for Sports Material A/c (Transfer)   1,11,400      (Sports Material Consumed)
                                                                By  Balance c/d                    5,800
                                                       1,13,600                                  1,13,600
                     Illustration 3.
                     Show how are the following items dealt with while preparing the final accounts for the year
                     ending on 31st March, 2019 in each of the following alternative cases:
                     Case 1.   Prize awarded ` 12,000.
                     Case 2.   Prize awarded ` 12,000, Prize Fund as at 31st March, 2018 ` 25,000.
                     Case 3.   Prize awarded ` 12,000, Prize Fund as at 31st March, 2018 ` 25,000. Donation received
                              for prizes during the year 2018–19 ` 10,000, Prize Fund Investment at 31st March, 2018
                              ` 25,000, interest received on 10% Prize Fund Investment ` 2,500.  (CBSE 2007, Modified)
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