Page 204 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 204

Chapter 8  Dissolution of a Partnership Firm  8.29
                     Illustration 23 (Considering GST).

                     Kumar, Sham and Ram were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. Due
                     to a difference of opinion, they decided to dissolve the firm with effect from 1st April, 2018 on
                     which date its Balance Sheet was as under:

                                                  BALANCE SHEET as at 1st April, 2018
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                              `
                     Capital A/cs:                              Plant and Machinery                80,000
                     Kumar                      60,000          Furniture                          45,000
                     Sham                       40,000          Car                                25,000
                     Ram                        30,000  1,30,000  Stock-in-Trade                   30,000
                     Current A/cs:                              Sundry Debtors                     71,000
                     Kumar                      8,000           Cash at Bank                       14,000
                     Sham                       10,000   18,000   Current A/c:
                     Sundry Creditors                   1,20,000   Ram                              3,000
                                                        2,68,000                                  2,68,000

                     The following information is given:
                        (i)  Plant and Machinery of book value ` 40,000 were taken by Kumar at an agreed value of
                           ` 45,000 and the remaining Machinery realised ` 50,000.

                       (ii)  Furniture realised ` 40,000.
                       (iii)  Car was taken by Sham for ` 30,000.
                       (iv)  Sundry Debtors included a Bad Debt for ` 1,200 and the rest were realised at a cash
                           discount of 10%.
                       (v)  Stock worth ` 5,000 was taken by Ram for ` 5,200 and the rest realised at 20% above
                           their book value.

                       (vi)  A Creditor for ` 2,000 was untraceable and other creditors accepted payment allowing
                           15% discount.
                       (vii)  Realisation Expenses paid to an agency carrying out dissolution amounted to ` 5,000.

                      (viii)  Sale of Plant and Machinery, Furniture, Car, Stock and Realisation Expenses are subject
                           to levy of CGST and SGST @ 9% each.
                     You are required to pass the Journal entries, prepare Realisation Account, CGST and SGST
                     Accounts, Bank Account, and Partners’ Capital Accounts showing final payments to them.

                     Solution:                             JOURNAL
                     Date    Particulars                                              L.F.   Dr. (`)   Cr. (`)
                        (i)   Realisation A/c                                  ...Dr.    2,51,000
                               To  Plant and Machinery A/c                                         80,000
                               To  Furniture A/c                                                   45,000
                               To  Car A/c                                                         25,000
                               To  Stock-in-Trade A/c                                              30,000
                               To  Sundry Debtors A/c                                              71,000
                             (Assets transferred)
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