Page 19 - DEBKVOL-1
P. 19

Chapter 1    Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organisations  1.9
                     Illustration 11.
                     From the following Receipts and Payments Account of Sonic Club and from the given additional
                     information, prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st December, 2006
                     and the Balance Sheet as at that date:
                     Dr.          RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st December, 2006   Cr.
                     Receipts                             `     Payments                            `
                     To  Balance b/d                   1,90,000   By  Salaries                   3,30,000
                     To  Subscriptions                 6,60,000   By  Sports Materials           4,00,000
                     To  Interest on Investments @ 8% p.a. for full year   40,000   By  Balance c/d  1,60,000
                                                       8,90,000                                  8,90,000

                     Additional Information:
                       (i)  The club had received ` 20,000 for subscription in 2005 for 2006.
                       (ii)  Salaries had been paid only for 11 months.
                      (iii)  Stock of Sports Materials on 31st December, 2005 was ` 3,00,000 and on 31st December,
                          2006 ` 6,50,000.                                                     (KVS 2015)

                     Solution:                                Sonic Club
                     Dr.         INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st December, 2006   Cr.
                     Expenditure                          `     Income                              `
                     To  Salaries            3,30,000           By  Subscription          6,60,000
                        Add:  Outstanding Salaries   30,000   3,60,000      Add: Received in 2005   20,000  6,80,000
                     To  Sports Material:                       By  Interest on Investments        40,000
                        Opening Stock        3,00,000
                        Add: Purchases       4,00,000
                        Less: Closing Stock   6,50,000   50,000
                     To  Surplus (i.e., Excess of       3,10,000
                        Income over Expenditure)
                                                       7,20,000                                   7,20,000

                                               BALANCE SHEET as at 31st December, 2006
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                              `
                     Outstanding Salaries               30,000   Cash                            1,60,000
                     Capital Fund (WN)        9,70,000          Stock of Sports Materials        6,50,000
                     Add: Surplus             3,10,000   12,80,000   Investments                 5,00,000
                                                      13,10,000                                  13,10,000

                     Working Note:
                     Calculation of Capital Fund on 1st January, 2006:

                                                BALANCE SHEET as at 1st January, 2006
                     Liabilities                         `      Assets                              `
                     Subscription Received in Advance      20,000   Cash                         1,90,000
                     Capital Fund (Balancing Figure)      9,70,000   Stock of Sports Material      3,00,000
                                                                Investments (` 40,000 × 100/8)      5,00,000
                                                       9,90,000                                  9,90,000
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