Page 216 - C++
P. 216

(c) Write SQL statement to display each teacher’s name along with his/her respective subject name from the tables TEACHER
         and SUBJECT .                                                                                       [2]
   (d) Give the output of the following SQL queries :
         (i)  SELECT  DISTINCT(Marks_Theory)  from  SUBJECT ;
         (ii) SELECT  TCode , Name  from  Teacher  where  Sub_Code like ‘0%’ ;                               [1]
   (e) Identify primary keys of the tables SUBJECT and TEACHER .                                             [1]

   Q.6 a) State and verify Distributive Law  using truth table .                                             [2]
          b) Draw a Logical circuit Diagram for the following Boolean Expression
                       X’ . (Y’ + Z)                                                                         [2]
          c) Express P + Q’R in canonical SOP form.                                                          [1]
          d) Obtain a simplified form for the following Boolean Expression using Karnaugh’s Map :
               F(U,V,W,Z) = ∑(0 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 , 15)                                              [3]

   Q.7 (a) Expand the following terms with respect to Networking .
            (i) SIM    (ii) MAC      (iii) TDMA    (iv) VoIP                                                 [2]
           (c) Differentiate between Proprietry Software Free Software ? Explain with example?               [1]
           (d) Define two cyber law and cyber crime ?                                                        [2]
           (e) Wipro Organisation has set up its new  center in India for its office and web based activities . It has five buildings as
                 shown in the diagram below :                                                                [3]

                   A                      B                                         C

                                                                  D                                 E

               Distance  between  various  buildings                              No  of  Computers
                                                                                  A           55
               B to C             30 Mts
               C to D             30 Mts                                          B           180
               D to E             35 Mts                                          C           60
               E to C             40 Mts
               D to A             120 Mts                                         D           55
               D to B             45 Mts
               E to B             65 Mts
               A to B             50 Mts                                          E           70

     (i)   Suggest a possible cable layout for connecting the buildings.
     (ii) Suggest the most suitable place to install the server of this organization with a suitable reason.
     (iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification.
            a)  Hub/Switch                  b) Modem
     (iv) The Company wants to link its head office in ‘A’ building to its Office in Sydney.
            a)  Which type of transmission medium is appropriate for such a link? What type of network this connection result into?
            b)  What is the difference between the LAN and MAN
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