Page 218 - C++
P. 218

*(a+j) = *(a+j+1) ;
                    *(a+j+1) = temp ;
                for(i=n-1 ; i>=n/2 ; i--)
                { sm = *(a+i) ;
                  pos = i ;
                  for(j=i-1 ; j>=n/2 ; j--)
                   if(*(a+j)< sm)
                   { pos = j ;
                     sm = *(a+j) ;
                    temp = *(a + i);
                  *(a+i) = *(a + pos) ;
                  *(a + pos) = temp ;
             void main( )
             { int w[ ]={-4 , 6 , 1 , -8 , 19 , 5},i ;
               FUNC(w , 6) ;
               for(i=0 ; i<6 ; i++)
             }                                                                                                             [3]
            f) Observe the following program & find out the correct possible outputs from the options.
                (Assuming that all required header files are included in the program)
                void  main( )
                { char serial[ ] = {‘E’ , ‘X’ , ‘A’ , ‘M’} ;
                   int number[ ] = {69 , 66 , 67 , 68} ;
                   randomize( );
                   cout<<number[random(3)] ;
                   for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
                    cout<<serial[sizeof(int) + random(2)-1] ;
             (i)  67XXAX               (ii) 69AXXA          (iii) 66AAXA          (iv) 67AAAM           [2]

          Q.2 a) Why is a destructor function required in classes ? Illustrate with the help of a example?    [2]
                 b) Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following class:
                      class Computer
               { char c_name[20];
                 char Config[100] ;
                 public :
                   Computer(Computer &obj);      //function 1
                   Computer( ) ;                                //function 2
                   Computer(char *n , char *C) ; //function 3
                (i) Name the specific feature of the OOPs shown in the above example.
                   (ii) Write complete definition for function 1.                                                                      [2]

                 c) Define a class named “Housing” in with the following specifications:
                     Private members:
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