Page 217 - C++
P. 217

          Max Marks: 70                                                                         Time: 3 Hrs

          Q.1 a) What are the two factors on which access of the inherited members depend?                       [2]
                 b) Write the names of header files, which are necessary to run the following program:

                           {  char c ;
                              c=getchar( ) ;
                              if (isdigit(c))
                                cout<<”\nIt is a digit” ;
                              if (isalpha(c))
                                cout<<”\nIt is any alphabet” ;
                              return 0;
                           }                                                                            [1]
               c) Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical error(s) if any. Underline each
                                  void main( )
                                  { First = 10 , Second = 20 ;
                                     Jumpto(First ; Second) ;
                                     Jumpto(second) ;
                                 void Jumpto(int N1 , int N2=20)
                                 {  N1 = N1 + N2 ;
                                     cout<<N1>>N2 ;
                                   }                                                                    [2]
               d) Find the output of the following program segment (assume all necessary declarations are
                    already made).
                    # include<iostream.h>
                    void main( )
                    { int Track[ ] = { 10,20,30,40 } , *Striker ;
                      Striker = Track ;
                      Track[1]+=30 ;
                      cout << “Striker=”<<*Striker<<endl ;
                      *Striker - =10 ;
                      Striker++ ;
                      cout<<”Next @” << *Striker << endl ;
                      Striker += 2 ;
                      cout<<”Last #”   << *Striker << endl ;
                      cout<<”Reset To” << Track[0] << endl ;
                    }                                                                                   [2]
              e) Find the output of the following program segment with working (assume all necessary
                  declarations are already made):
                   void FUNC(int *a , int n)
              { int i , j , temp , sm , pos ;
                for(i = 0 ; i < n/2 ; i++)
                 for(j = 0 ; j < (n/2)-1 ; j++)

                 if(*(a+j) > *(a+j+1))
                  { temp = *(a+j) ;
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